

Buttons - Demonstration - School Code: P


Entry Description

How to create a button!

Judge 1

Positives: The open with music and different shots of buttons caught my attention. The graphics showing the steps was a nice touch.

Improvements: The narrative track introduces the demonstrator... then the demonstrator immediately introduces himself. Repetitious. I never found out what the button machine was called or where you get one of those gadgets. Would have been helpful info without taking much time.

Judge 2

Positives: Good clean audio of the narrator. Nice detailed instructions on the mechanics of creating a button.

Improvements: I would have liked to have heard more from Jordan, such as "where does he get ideas for buttons". Some information on where a person might find the materials for button making would be good too.

Judge 3

Positives: The shots were well composed they worked well for this type of video. Fun concept could easily be expanded into something bigger. Great start using the VO teack and the graphics.

Improvements: Your audio needs work. The channels were not mixed well and your subject was difficult to here. The timing of your shot changes could be quicker and cleaner.