

Joey Harrington: The Lightest Player on the Field

Glenbrook South
Feature Story

Entry Description

This is a feature story I did on the lightest player on the football team, Joey Harrington. We talk through the difficulties of being small in sport that requires a large amount of physical stature. We also discuss some of the rewards he reaped from the experience.

Judge 1

Positives: The Joey Harrington interview set-up is attractive - the lighting is on the money. The B-Roll showcases a blue sky with the blue uniforms, which is a nice effect either done in post or done through the menu set-up on the camera - either way - it's a great effect. Nice graphics throughout the piece and the opening titling sets up what's coming - nice moves on the opening.

Improvements: Sound precedes video by a split second - it seems to do that also over the black frame before we actually see Joey. Possibly this is intentional but most editors I know would have done a soft/cut (5 frame dissolve) to first video and same off of the black frame. Also, the reference from the interception to Joey's ability to make friends seems a bit odd - it's obvious there's an audio edit at that spot. Possibly a piece of video re: the camaraderie of his team mates might have made this a bit smoother....overall the execution on this piece was very good.

Judge 2

Positives: I'm very impressed with this package the editing was excellent, sound effects, music and dialogue were mixed extremely well. Good use of graphics titling at the start of the piece.

Improvements: 1. The interview of a football player should be shot with something in the background that shows FOOTBALL. The background you used was a hallway, you should have used a locker room, the 50 yard line anything but the sterile hallway shot you used. (He should have had his Jersey on as well.) 2. I would have liked to have seen more tight shots of him warming up on the field and some of the shots could have been steadier but all in all a great job.

Judge 3

Positives: Liked the editing - good use of game footage over the narration. Good use of music to keep the flow of the story moving. Nice piece!

Improvements: I would have liked to have a little track to tell a more complete story. Not necessarily a stand up, but just some reporter narration to pull it all together. I would have also liked to know what school he's playing for! Overall nice story!