A music video with the BHS Orchesis dancers to the song "Glad You Came" by the Wanted.
Positives: Some of the special effects were interesting. The colorization in the middle worked. The centered overhead camera angle was good. The angle from inside the ribbon circle was effective.
Improvements: If this were a live switched show, it would be awesome. However, this is a music video category, and although the dancers do a nice job, there needs to be "more" to this video. Add another story line intercut with the dancers and the piece becomes more interesting and layered.
Positives: Smooth hand held camera work when going up to dancers. Footage appeared to be white balanced. Nice camera angles used throughout. Lighting remained fairly constant.
Improvements: Good idea to have fun with colors of footage - would like to see more of this. Seemed like the same 4-5 style shots were used throughout. Pacing seemed to be a bit slow - adding a wider variety of footage (i.e.: different camera angles and layers) could've improved pacing. Would be nice to see a key at beginning and end to give artist credit.
Positives: Creative camera angles. Dance went well with music. Good pacing throughout.
Improvements: The locked shot from above was cool, but it didn't always follow the action since it was in a fixed position. The video effects were a creative element, but used inconsistently.