The Barrington 220 School District redefines success to include social/emotional competency which is critical to both academic achievement and personal growth.
Positives: This is a well done piece with a great message and simple approach. Great use of multiple interviews to enhance the message and build credibility.
Improvements: Consider changing-up the framing of your interviews so not all of them are framed on the same side of the screen. It helps build interest and shot variety. Keep up the great work!
Positives: The script feels very natural and is delivered well, delivers your message perfectly. The shots are well framed, and you chose good locations to shoot them in.
Improvements: Mixing up the type of shot you use helps keep visuals fresh, there were a lot of front-on medium shots. Try shooting from the side, from above/below, or with the subject moving.
Positives: I liked the motion graphics on the side. They were not stagnate and still and that is a good thing. The video presents people with well thought out messages and were well spoken. The score (music) in the background was a good choice.
Improvements: Lighting on the Narrator was to dark. You should change up the shot angle on the people.