How to properly set-up a steady cam for video use.
Positives: Good delivery by host. Easy-to-follow explanation.
Improvements: The sequence of puting on the jacket seemed a bit abrupt. Also, I would have liked to see a short sequence of the steady cam in use to complete the video... 10-seconds would have been plenty.
Positives: Good clean narration and audio quality. Nice mix of music with the narration.
Improvements: I would have liked to have seen more closeup shots of the work that was being done. I would also have liked to have seen the steady cam in action at the end including some shots edited in from the camera on the steady cam.
Positives: Just a really nice all around how too video. Shots composition was good and shot selection was on the mark.
Improvements: I would have liked to see the cam in action. Just a few shots to show the difference between shooting with the rig and then shooting without it would have really helped to tie the whole thing together for me.