Tommy Rises is a exciting thriller taking places in the halls of GBS. An evil villain, Bull, has taken over the building, and the only thing that can stop him is our school mascot, Tommy the Titan.
Positives: Well shot. Great use of lighting and graphics. Edit pacing worked well.
Improvements: Too short. Weak in content.
Positives: Excellent! Great use of camera moves. Nice lighting. Use of shadow and highlights, contrast. Editing and soundtrack worked well. Nice cuts on the beat! Well done.
Improvements: Just smooth out your "cool" camera moves. Great shots, just do your best and smooth them out. I'm not sure who the guy in the black hoodie is. I assume he is a "bad" guy. Is he the "main" bad guy? I know who Tommy is, who is his enemy?
Positives: Very well shot, good visuals, tracking & dolly shots, lighting. Original concept.
Improvements: Concept of the enemy / villain remains too vague. Need to understand more of the story / set up.