

Valentine's Day Calamities - Humorous Narrative - W2

Wheaton North
Humorous Narrative

Entry Description

Five situations you don't want to be in on Valentine's Day.

Judge 1

Positives: The guy in scene 4 was hilarious. Good acting! I loved how we got 5 stories in one, made your video more interesting. Very well edited and the graphics and sound effects were very good. I really enjoyed this. The "bro-mance" scene had a nice twist when they still didn't figure it out after arriving at the restaurant. Also loved the multiple camera angles. This was very well thought out and planned.

Improvements: I really don't think there was much to improve on with this video. It was very well done.

Judge 2

Positives: Great use of graphics to transition to the next sequence. Good acting, good music bed, very nice closing sequence.

Improvements: Early in the video the editing was a bit awkward. I felt pulled from one shot to the next, and not smoothly taken to the next. Some of the shots were just off center of being framed correctly.

Judge 3

Positives: This is a very good technical production with very good acting and the humor is age-appropriate & not over the top. The vignettes were just the right length, and the c/g styling and effects were right all just really worked well together

Improvements: The l-bomb scene was the only one that was a little rough and stood out to me...the acting was a little forced and out of place with the others