"Cartanimator" is a documentary about Seamus Coughlin, focusing on his experiences with animation, his partnership with Lino Mogorovic on their animated web series "Creative Services", and his aspirations for his future. Produced by Seamus Coughlin and Lino Mogorovic.
Positives: Liked the start with the animation. Music was good. Like the use of b-roll while Seamus is explaining his work.
Improvements: Carry music under the interviewee just a bit so it's not so abrupt. Key light heavy on subject. Could have used a little more music to keep it interesting. Sound pops on occasion.
Positives: Good pacing, use of animation, interesting story.
Improvements: I would have liked a little music throughout the interview, maybe we could have heard a little bit from Lino.
Positives: Good explanation of animation steps (Japanese fighters). Smooth, crisp cuts.
Improvements: Less use of animation and more human shots. Interview is a bit long.