

Spread the Word

Glenbrook South
Public Service Announcement

Entry Description

This Features Patrick Nicholson who was born with down syndrome. It is a public service announcement trying to end the use of the R word.

Judge 1

Positives: A well done PSA with a good message!

Improvements: Your shot composition is good with appropriate lighting. Keep up the good work.

Judge 2

Positives: Using someone with Down Syndrome was an effective way to convey your message. Having the video move around the screen with words in the back was a good way to keep it visually interesting.

Improvements: The music at the end was too loud, consider a fade-in. The video conveyed your message emotionally, but didn't specifically tell me why the R word is hurtful.

Judge 3

Positives: Good subject, definitely worthy of a PSA. Motion graphics are nice.

Improvements: I think you need to find a creative way to make sure the viewers know exactly what word shouldn't be said. The music at the end was abrupt and did not mix well.