This is a segment from our school sit-com Brookland.
Positives: You get a bonus point for NOT shooting this video in your school! The image quality was good and I liked some of the tilted camera angles.
Improvements: Who does their Christmas shopping at a grocery store? I didn't understand the point or concept of this video. Maybe more dialog? You lost the bonus point you got previously because of the IU hat. One of your judges was a Purdue grad! What was the point of the gun?
Positives: There were a few nicely framed shots. The sales associate was suitably creepy. He made me uncomfortable.
Improvements: Your camera's white balance was off. You may not have shot with a cam that gave you manual correction. Shooting under different lighting conditions can be tricky. The store lights would be a good example. Always manual white if possible. Although it's tough to pull off, a Point of View (POV) shot would have increased the viewers anxiety trying to escape from the creepy sales associate. We are always in the third person observing during the video.
Positives: Well edited and of it were very funny...liked the elements of chase in the store
Improvements: Some creepy music in the chase scenes in the store would have gone along with the kitsch employed here very well...I sort of didn't get the ending, though it was creepy as an ending and went with the story alright