"Brood of Vengeance" revolves around three teens who are kidnapped as ransom due to their parents' debt to the cartel. The teens have to eacape the clutches of the cartel and find out the truth about their parents business before time runs out and vengeance takes over.
Positives: good use of music for the different scenes. acted out pretty well. had a good pace. the text imagery worked well
Improvements: dark edges are a nice effect, but used too much. squeezed in the picture plane too much. lots of gun use to the point of being gratuitous.
Positives: Great title integration into the narrative... The shots their color, their fast pace all contribute towards creating a nice dramatic look and feel for the movie.
Improvements: there is a lot about a successful escape and not too much of the back story... it would be nice to see a bit of the "truth" revealed or hinted upon...
Positives: The opening 14 seconds work very well. The graphics are very polished and professional.
Improvements: There appear to be two movies in one. Not sure if that is good or bad. It looks like the movie starts as a dark mystery and then moves to become an all-out blood bath. More can be achieved by showing less violence and focusing more on plot. Take any Hitchcock movie as an example. The violent scene in Psycho is all in the mind of the viewer and allows for a greater use of imagination by all.