

Adoption Documentary


Entry Description

This documentary is about adoption because no matter how long and hard the process of adoption seems, it really is life changing. This video doucments to stories of two families and what their adoptions were like.

Judge 1

Positives: Interesting shots. Good use of photos.

Improvements: Didn't like the font choice...for serious topic, it was a bit cartoony. Abrupt cuts. Music was a bit abrasive for content. Lighting needs help.

Judge 2

Positives: Good storytelling, felt like I was getting to know the individuals. Good use of photos.

Improvements: Seemed incomplete; some shots seemed to have a filter on them for some reason; would have had the music run continuous, was distracting to have music stop and start.

Judge 3

Positives: Great content/interviews. Good use of still pictures.

Improvements: Sound volume fluctuates from cut to cut - need to be consistent. Need better lighting.