

Holiday Concert

Vernon Hills
Live Event Coverage Performing Arts

Entry Description

Our annual holiday concert.

Judge 1

Positives: Considering the size of the group and limitation of camera angles, the direction was good. Some nice camera framing.

Improvements: Some shots underexposed. Needed to have different camera shots, I saw too many of the same shot. Utilize some pan shots so cross dissolves can be used.

Judge 2

Positives: Overall good direction. Mix up the shots a little more. Followed the instruments well to get the shots.

Improvements: Would like to have seen more close up shots. Also some pans instesd of just static medium shots

Judge 3

Positives: Good job. Wide range of camera angles. Overall exposure was good.

Improvements: Cut the shots a little faster. Don't stay on the shots too long. Don't take the shot until the camera person is ready.