

Erin For Student Council

Public Service Announcement

Entry Description

Helping a student get elected to Student Council.

Judge 1

Positives: This is a well scripted and though-out production. You demonstrate a clear understanding of political and commercial production.

Improvements: Next time, work to improve your audio and video capture quality for a more convincing and and credible piece. Keep up the good work!

Judge 2

Positives: The script was well organized and the information about Erin was presented very clearly. The variety of shots used helped back up what was being said in the script.

Improvements: Some of the visuals got repetitive, and the slow-motion was a little overused.

Judge 3

Positives: The purpose of the video was clear and to the point. I liked the use of camera work. (Camera rising at tbe end, capturing the flag in the reflection)

Improvements: Using another person's voice for the voice over would be a good idea. some shots seemed very low and needed to be up on the same plane as threw subject.