1st Place :: Division A


Radon PSA

Metea Valley
Public Service Announcement

Entry Description

A public service announcement highlighting the danger of radon in a household and the importance of testing your levels. Created for the Illinois Highschool radon video competition.

Judge 1

Positives: This is an excellent piece! Great visual storytelling, excellent use of camera shots, precision editing, use of music and sound fx, and highly effective lighting. This is a project you should be proud of!

Improvements: Keep up the excellent work!

Judge 2

Positives: Great job with the editing, the pacing and color correction were very good. Amazing camera work, the still shots mixed with pans/dollies was effective.

Improvements: Maybe go further in to why Radon is dangerous, and why filters can help you.

Judge 3

Positives: OUTSTANDING Job! One of the best I have seen so far. Pan shots are great, the creativity and writing was extremely well done. It is obvious that a lot of thought was put into this video.

Improvements: The RADON filter shot seems very contrasty compared to the rest of the video, it should probably be scaled back some. Ending graphic was to short.