


Maine South
Movie Trailer

Entry Description

Movie Trailer

Judge 1

Positives: overall good quality of video. good special effect. good use of music for specific scenes

Improvements: soundtrack for the last 15 sec. seemed odd and screen was just black. Not really sure what movie was about. need more clues

Judge 2

Positives: Nice shot sequence. Fun camera work. Great alternation between shots and titles. It really helps the narrative.

Improvements: Video cuts off while audio is still playing... I wish i could see more shots to get me into the story...

Judge 3

Positives: The transition between the opening dramatic music to the tempered and whimsical song at the end worked well.

Improvements: I was uncertain of the plot. At first I thought the movie was to be a parody or a spoof but as the trailer progressed, I was uncertain. There was not enough information in the clips to truly tell if this was to be an action movie or pseudo-drama or mocu-mentary. Was this clip suppose to show the viewer a trailer of a spoof movie? If so, what in the clip was to signal that?