

The Poison

Metea Valley
Music Video

Entry Description

When an out-casted daughter returns home late, her mother becomes angry and wonders where her "old daughter went. "The Poison" By The All-American Rejects From the "Almost Alice" Soundtrack

Judge 1

Positives: Story telling okay.

Improvements: could have used my variety of shots instead of a series of MS panning back and forth - more CU more reaction shots, OTS, etc. Needed more thought process in the story board phase.

Judge 2

Positives: The theme and story was touching.

Improvements: Shots were too dark and the camera motions were a bit jerky.

Judge 3

Positives: This was a well put together video. The editing is nicely done and you developed a good narrative in a short amount of time.

Improvements: I would have liked to see a little more development in your characters. You have a great concept and used your time well. I think if you had more time to work on your video your characters could have some larger character arcs. Nice job.