

Falcon Rock - Music Video - W2

Wheaton North
Music Video

Entry Description

Parody of "Party Rock Anthem" about starting a new school year.

Judge 1

Positives: F-U-N-N-Y! Who did the vocals? Very nice. Good shot variety. Love the fisheye effect.

Improvements: Shadow of camera tripod at very beginning? On purpose? Still room for improvement - instead of leaving camera on tripod - this video screams for some smooth handheld camera work getting in and out of the groups of people, isolating on some of the acrobats, cheerleaders, etc. in action.

Judge 2

Positives: Cute spin-off the original- I like this version better. Good message.

Improvements: The editing could've been faster to match the music.

Judge 3

Positives: The execution of this song was clever and fun.

Improvements: It was unclear what the purpose of this video was. It also could have had a bit more variety with the kinds of shots that were used.