Honorable Mention :: Division AA


Adopt-A-Family 2012

Vernon Hills

Entry Description

A documentary explaining how great our Adopt A Family event is for local families and the students and staff.

Judge 1

Positives: 1) This video does a nice job of visually summarizing the event with the variety of shots. 2) The VO narration was very concise and informative over the footage.

Improvements: 1) This video could be further enhanced with more of a variety of shot types, composition and movement. 2) There could be an overall "sweetening" of the audio tracks so that the narration and music flow are improved.

Judge 2

Positives: Great B-roll footage! I was able to really understand how awesome this party is because you showed it. Great work. Great voice over content. I was told the perfect amount of information and at the right times.

Improvements: If one is available, and especially in this situation, use a tripod if you can. It will smooth out your shots and it will let the viewer focus on the activities happening on screen. When you are recording a voice over, be sure to record a bunch of takes of each line, then choose which one you like the best for the project. There were a few awkward pauses and reading mix ups that could have easily been corrected with just one more take.

Judge 3

Positives: A nice compilation of b-roll footage to show the extent of the event and what it entails. Good use of time lapse at the end, it adds a little more variety to the piece.

Improvements: I would suggest interviewing some local families that have participated or are participating. Or even some of the volunteers to get a different perspective of the event instead of the one sided view from the narrator. Another thing that might add more substance to your piece would be to have actual audio play with the footage. Like for instance when the choir was singing, that audio would have been very beneficial and might give the viewer a better feel of the actual event.