Bending Reality and mixing up time when objects are played in reverse! Over a period of a couple weeks, we compiled a bunch of footage we thought would look interesting while played in reverse. We added music and there you go! This isn't your classic music video where someone is singing to a song. We took a different approach, where we shot videos we recorded and edited them to fit to the music!
Positives: very interesting - would have liked to have seen even more variety. But was very interesting to watch the reversal of the things you showed.
Improvements: The only part that kinda made be go hunh was the first tower 'fall' when you used picture in picture. Could have just used one or the other, for me.
Positives: Beautiful and interesting segments. Had a wonderful abstract feel to it.
Improvements: Perhaps making a connection to something to make it richer.
Positives: I really liked your use of reverse slow-moton. It was nicely done and you chose some great subjects.
Improvements: There was too much of the same image (balloon shots), but I still enjoyed it. I also would like to see some development of a narrative in your video.