The Glenbrook South Report is a weekly morning news show that highlights school events and, through various packages, presents student culture, local weather, and world news. GBSR offers other students insight into the Glenbrook South Television studio and is an integral part of student culture at Glenbrook South.
Positives: 1. Nice focus on a range of timely events and happenings within the school. 2. Some creative editing in the variety show segment (which I assume is happening within the school).
Improvements: 1. It would be nice to see more video of stuff in the school beyond the variety show preview--this is mostly anchor segments. 2. I have mixed feelings about the canned food segment--it *is* creative and amusing, which is a good way of getting beyond the dull PSA-style way that things like this often get promoted. On the other hand, it runs the risk of trivializing the issues the canned food drive is supposed to address (i.e., hunger).