The Life of a Professional Criminal

Wheaton North
Comedic Narrative

Entry Description

Randy MacArthur, renowned professional criminal, sets forth his plans to steal 22 million dollars.

Judge 1

Positives: First of all, you have an engaging actor with a clear sense of his character. Reminds me a bit of Ricky Gervais type of profoundly unself-aware idiot. Clear plot/scenario that is easily portrayed within the time limit here. I thought your cut to black ending was an effective device. You might consider and explosion sound effect. Could be funny.

Improvements: Overall, I think you over-rely on the charisma of your actor. He does a good accent, and after he accidentally shoots himself, plays that reality quite well. But from a filmmaking point of view, there's not a lot going on here. We've got the interview, some b-roll of him highlighting the blueprints, and little else. You could consider flashbacks or fantasy pops of jobs he's already done. Or maybe this is all just delusional ramblings (a thought that occurred to me when the doctor said he escaped from the hospital- I wasn't sure if it was the hospital where he was being treated for the gunshot or a mental ward).

Judge 2



Judge 3



Judge 4

