Saving the Bear of Polar

Comedic Narrative

Entry Description

A PSA pitch man struggles with saving a Polar Bear and in the process find the meaning of life

Judge 1

Positives: My favorite parts of this are the moments that come closest to feeling real. I thought you got solid performances from your actors. And it's good to see some variety in your shot composition- the wide shot of PSA guy and the bear meeting in the parking lot, for example. You also had some credible camera work running away from the bear after the car crash. Keep experimenting with the camera and looking for the most interesting way to tell your story.

Improvements: My biggest note would be to develop an engaging story. This goes for the absurd right off the bat and kind of relies on that throughout. As it goes on, in fact, it starts to feel like you're just looking for ways to fill up 5 minutes. Planning out a tight story is always worth the time. If you have microphones, I'd consider a lavaliere or boom. It would cut down on some of the echo and give you a more intimate feel.

Judge 2



Judge 3



Judge 4

