After a crime is commited, Three suspects are taken in under investigation.
Positives: - Good use of cover video while telling stories. Makes it easier to follow and more entertaining. - Music selection and black and white effects were a good stylistic choice for this piece.
Improvements: - Some of the audio seemed to "pop" off when new scenes started. A trick to help fix some of this would be to get at least 30 seconds of room tone before you shoot at each location. You then want to lay this room tone track below the rest of your audio and then fade out your other tracks as they end such as the dialogue. - While I understand it was for comedic effect and to set up how bad these guys are at being detectives, I would not recommend starting your piece with anything related to butchering babies. You never know who will be looking at your work, especially in a competition setting and phrases like this can be off putting.