This is an excerpt of a short film that follows the life Logan, a teenager who is struggling to embrace his homosexuality. The story has been edited down for time constraints.
Positives: Your story was well written and very well-developed. Actors did a very good job with the script. Your technical work was outstanding camera lighting and audio. Great locations.
Improvements: There were a few odd jump edits in the segments that you submitted. Reminder but they were still there. The line where he tells dad he's gay seemed over acted. That was really one of the most important parts of the story and the presentation was too predictable.
Positives: An important story with an effective twist that was really heartbreaking. The cut point when the main character says he's having 'girl problems', revealing that the conversation about his being gay was fantasy, was devastating.
Improvements: The acting is good for the most part, but uneven in spots. This is difficult with film because the performances are not continuous. With practice specifically directing in film and shaping the performance through the edit, this director will be in excellent shape.