James Bond reaches new heights as he faces a new foe lurking in the shadows...JAMES BOND SYNERGY...COMING NEVER...SO DON'T ASK...
Positives: I think that this piece effectively conveyed its tone from the outset (the opening preview card features the word "Probably" and the question "Wait Did We Show This To Mr. Brylka First?"). It also did a great job of following through on much of the parody elements thereafter. There's a wonderful shot that James Bond steps into at :15 that I loved. That would look great in a well-budgeted film. I loved the editing at the one minute mark (1:00). The credits at the end, though short, had a hilarious self-reflexive comedic aspect that was very effective.
Improvements: I think that some of the shots are a tad dark. (The opening stuff with the angry "principal", the stuff in the garage at :36, etc.). The section in the garage is too long relative to the rest of the piece. There was a mash-up of credits that included a moment/beat of the Star Wars scroll. I think this should be removed altogether. The accents were absurdly bad. I would cut the stuff following the closing credits (which are hilarious): cut to black instead of the Ferris Bueller/Bond mash-up.