The Interrogation...?

Wheaton-Warrenville South
Comedic Narrative

Entry Description

The school's principle has gone missing! Only one eyewitness has reported that he knows some of the details, however, he can't seem to remain on the task at hand...

Judge 1

Positives: - Really great understanding of the "detective genre" and how to make fun of it effectively. The randomness of the different excuses and objects was comically satisfying. - Excellent use of set lighting and matching effects. Without the combination of the different color grades and music, the piece wouldn't be the same.

Improvements: - While the random excuses were funny and well thought out, the piece may have benefitted from a slightly shorter run time of 1:00 - 1:30. Thinking in terms of social media, something like this could easily be shared across Facebook, Twitter, etc... but videos that find a wide audience quickly tend to be on the shorter side. Sometimes you have to cut some of your favorite shots to make the overall piece the best it can be. - The audio sounded a little hollow in some parts of the video but not in others. If you were going for the empty, grungy feel of an interrogation room, the hollow sound could work but it must remain consistent through out.

Judge 2

Positives: I got the idea of the short right away. The conflict is there, the goal is there. The jokes were fun. Good job. I believe that most of the shots were done on a tri-pod which I like. Too many people try to do handheld which can be shaky and distracting. Keeping things still, especially in a situation like an interrogation was smart.

Improvements: Too much was changing at once. I get that changing the color and the background music differentiated the seriousness and the comedy of the situation, but it was too much. Especially with the instrumentals. It distracted me to the point of losing focus on the story. I know I said I liked the still shots, but the framing on some bothered me. In a couple shots, the top of the characters heads were cut off. Especially the detectives. If you're going for a tight shot, go tight. Don't go part of the way. The filter for the serious parts was too dark. Even though it was probably done to set the mood of an interrogation, it prevented me from seeing the characters reactions.

Judge 3



Judge 4

