A satirical bone chilling thriller. Four friends meet up to hang out on a casual Saturday night, but an unexpected encounter with a demonic creature changes the boys lives forever. Who is this creature? Enjoy the ride of this horror parody.
Positives: Excellent job! Very good use of the cinematic language! My girlfriend even scream while we were watching it. Fun stuff. Great sense of genre. Keep making movies you've got potential.
Improvements: Consider including backstory next time.
Positives: Well done at making the one friend leave the house early. It allowed for the viewer to think "is the killer paranormal or just a normal friend in a baby mask"? Loved the quick cuts and lighting as well.
Improvements: The satire of this wasn't pronounced very well for me. It seemed like this sort of thing could actually happen. The ketchup blood seemed a bit rushed. In the future, water, flour, cornstarch and red foodcoloring works best! ;)