Documentary about a OPRF rowing team.
Positives: The shots were beautifully framed and composed. It captured the cinematic feel of rowing. Very nicely done. The music was a plus as well. It boosted the heroism of the film.
Improvements: The VO script at the beginning was a tad overblown. A little TOO heroic. And the ending fell a little flat for me. After doing such a good job capturing the drama and effort of rowing, the ending with the coach felt like a little bit of a letdown. I would've preferred a bigger climax.
Positives: Great open and choice of music - it worked very well to set the tone. The music and the voice over made it feel very cinematic and grand. Excellent story telling and interviews. I was drawn in immediately! The way you conducted the interviews allowed for a lot of passion and authenticity to come through. Great job! Some beautiful b-roll shots on the water! Overall fantastic job! Pro quality piece.
Improvements: The Jarek interview was lit poorly and a bit too dim. You could've brought the music down a bit. It competes with the interview at times. Also had a difficult time hearing the off camera questions. There is a spelling mistake at the end - teams is missing an apostrophe.