A short animated documentary about my brothers injury from 2015. After what he went through physically and mentally, it was worthy of being a short film. This was animated in Adobe Flash and Adobe After Effects with a voice over by my brother himself.
Positives: The way they set up the narrative in the beginning was arresting. I was immediately curious as to where this was going to go. The way the animation built upon itself was very effective as well, very engaging. It kept me interested in the story. Very nicely done.
Improvements: I would've liked a little stronger takeaway at the end. It had an ending, but I wish the epiphany/learning from the rehabilitation was a little more striking. It was a bit of a letdown after the very involving film. The music was a little passive. I wish it was more emotionally uplifting, or added to the build of the story as it went along.
Positives: Very compelling voice over/story telling. Great choice of music. It really helps move the story along in a nice way. Cool animations with excellent transitions.
Improvements: The music is a bit loud and competes with the voice over. A little more color would've been nice!