YTV Halloween Feature

Dramatic Narrative

Entry Description

Five high school students discover a mysterious camera that sparks a chain reaction of unfortunate events.

Judge 1

Positives: The steady cam shots at the start with the creepy children's music nicely sets the scene, The break to a black screen with voices and then up on the kids video project holds my interest and keeps up the pace. It's got a great pace.

Improvements: I did not have time to register the camera when they see it first. I would like to. What is it about the camera that draws them to it? Is it old, funky, expensive? Does it belong to a girl they like? I like the video camera device of a frame within a frame. Don't think you need the graphics like "locked in." They take me out of the story a little. Sure you've heard this before, but seeing dead kids at school is a tough one these days

Judge 2

Positives: your use of tech in your editing process was top notch. great beginning middle and end to your story.

Improvements: I feel like your choice of actors and having the mascot be one of the scary characters lost some of it authenticity. And made it feel like a comedy. I feel like the the reason why the guy were looking through the archives could have been cleared up more.

Judge 3



Judge 4

