Children; clever, reckless, wicked.
Positives: Great opening shot. Great use of sound effects and ambient sound.
Improvements: I like the long shots but know when to clip it shorter to keep the interest. I didn't understand the need for the vintage video effect.
Positives: I love the chances you too with the format of film, the elements of under-cranking and over-cranking and the creative shots you took. I looks as though this was either shot on a VHS or recorded off a TV. I enjoyed the way it ended through the key hole of the door. Showing the big brother was locked out. The strong suit of this film was definitely the cinematography.
Improvements: The sound quality wasn't the best. Because there wasn't a lot of dialog, next time try and lay some sound design elements over it, or do a record of the silence on a room and lay that track over the film instead of having the sound turned on during the actual take. Was the beginning a POV of the little brother? If so, I like this idea but you need to explain this POV a little better in the short. Have his hand reach out in front of the camera, etc so the audience knows we are seeing the world through his eyes!