
News Package

Entry Description

Gwyneth Helm reports on the fearsome Warrior wrestling team.

Judge 1

Positives: Good scrimmage shots. Nice framing on the interview shots. You followed the rule of thirds. In addition there was something interesting in the background during the interviews.

Improvements: Add a lead to the story. Gwyneth Helm is never seen. She closes out the piece. But that's the only time she is heard. Try to get b-roll from some of the meets. Get some closeup action shots. If done properly that will help to capture some of the impact of the sport.

Judge 2

Positives: lots of sound bytes, interviews were framed nicely

Improvements: too slow-paced, too much dead-time between sound bytes, would've liked to have seen video of an actual match, as well as close ups during practice, outside of the close, no reporter presence at all

Judge 3



Judge 4

