Welcome to a World where Humans and Pokemon can live happily and coincide with each other, but when the Rulers of Time, Space, and Anti-Matter threaten the peace. One girl will stand in their way along with her elemental pets that will not go down easily!
Positives: 1. The concept and general idea of life with Pokemon becoming as tedious as everyday pets like trying to figure out if they are hungry or not or what they want to eat is very funny! This could even be an idea for a web series where Pokemon have become like normal house pets like dogs and cats. 2. The animation of the Pokemon was pretty impressive. When the video started I figured they would be kept very minimal but they were in the entire video and multiple Pokemon doing different things.
Improvements: 1. My one question would be what was the point of those giant Pokemon in the air? Were they trying to attack the other Pokemon? Did they want to destroy the house and owners? Perhaps adding subtitles underneath some of the Pokemon speaking could have brought even more humor to this funny idea! 2. The music towards the beginning was a little over-powering over the dialogue. The dialogue also felt very lower. Perhaps have the actors project a little more or turn up their audio if possible so we don't miss anything.
Positives: The conceit is wonderful and I love the sound the Pokemon make. It's genuinely funny in the beginning and I'm impressed with the interactions between the live actors and their animated counterparts.
Improvements: Think about how the cinematography can aid in the storytelling. Be sure to double check exposure and experiment with different camera angles and compositions.