Stan is a young graduate student who has a nervous proposal to make to his professor when a flash drive catches his eye...
Positives: The music works really well with the film to help us understand the emotions of our characters, the tension of the scene and give us an overall tone for the film. Really good use of changing the quality of sound from when Stan is hearing the news reporter out of the TV speakers compared to when we are seeing the newscast on screen. Its a great shift in perspective that is subtle, but shows your attention to detail and help sells the reality of the film.
Improvements: The first conversation between Stan and his professor could have been polished up a bit more. Not only could it have been quicker, but some of the lines probably could have been cut out just to punch in on the point of the exchange rather than dragging out the conversation. It could have been more established what the flash drive was at the beginning. I didn't understand why he was hiding it from the professor if it was what had the proof of the aliens on it.
Positives: The one shot scene in which the main character is sitting in the dark at the computer lab is very effectively edited and shot as to convey the essential elements of information without cutting to frequently or showing too much. The title design and use of a news broadcast is effective in keeping the audience engaged.
Improvements: The music seemed to lead the story rather than the story leading the music, at points it felt melodramatic and overpowering within a scene. Perhaps this problem could be solved by decreasing the level of the music track within the mix or choosing a different song altogether. The goal stated at the beginning of the film of the main character applying to a graduate program isn't followed up on at the end of the narrative and the closing of the film is partially unclear. What happens to our character? the planet?
Positives: Good job of telling a backstory of what is going on. I like the use of the computer screen as a transmission device.
Improvements: Music and sound effects get a little bit loud. Watch the lighting on this The scenes at the computer are dark. I know the room is dark, but be creative on way to light it. Also, he does not seem concerned by the transmission. Almost as if it was normal.