The Life of Gamers - ID# 109

Comedic Narrative

Entry Description

We are showing the viewers the type of gamers there is in the gaming community. We are showing three types. "The Rager" is the person who gets mad for everything and no reason. Then you have the "No Emotion" gamer, this person shows no emotion and is calm for everything.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 2/28 9:56 am - Even for a documentary style film, I found this fairly unpleasant to watch. I’d consider bringing in more light to decrease the graininess of your images. The dialogue and plot could use some punching up. It doesn’t really go anywhere, and it ends abruptly with essentially no resolution. The little sister has good personality, but I’m not sure you take full advantage here. I’d rethink the decision to not include the video game audio in your last sequence. It ends up being a pretty boring end to your film. Filmmaking is hard work and takes a lot of trial and error. Keep at it.
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