Cinematography: Mexico - ID# 128

Morton East

Entry Description

A cinematography production depicting places and life in Mexico. You might even want to go visit!

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/14 2:16 pm - Positives: Good variety of angles and compositions. There is a peacefulness to this peace which I really enjoy. My favorite shot would be the shot of the field at 1:27--very gorgeous--although it could probably follow the rule of 3rds a bit better. Improvements: The pacing seems a bit slow--I would have liked to have see more and hold on the shots for a little less. Also could benefit from some color correcting--colors seem muted.
  • 3/3 3:06 pm - One aspect that I like best about this reel is that you’ve chosen to capture some interesting moments: the cows and the ants in particular. The action that is on the screen helps to capture my attention and they help to showcase some of the life in the area. The framing of many shots, however, are too wide and because may of these very wide shots lack a focal element, It’s hard to engage with them, since I’m either overwhelmed with too many details in the frame or I can’t see the details well enough (shot at :55, for example). Even the cool action of the ants would be heightened if you coupled it with some ECU’s of them toiling away.
  • 2/28 4:55 pm - I like the idea of showcasing a location through a variety of perspectives, you did a nice job with that part. Nice mood set by your music and collection of shots. As far as using the light, many of the shots were over saturated and didn't look like they were calibrated to the natural light you were working with. Many also looked undersaturated.
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