Germs PSA - ID# 137

Riverside Brookfield
Public Service Announcement

Entry Description

A young man uses the restroom and decides to not wash his wands. He is then greeted by a stranger that has been hiding in the shower the entire time. The stranger explains to the boy the dangers of not washing your hands and the impact it can have on your health. He then teaches the young man the steps to washing your hands properly in order to prevent germs and fecal matter from spreading.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/27 2:12 pm - Great video concept that is quirky but gets the point across. Watch your microphone placement to prevent the room echo. The lighting could be balanced throughout the scene. It looks like the shower is much brighter than the rest of the room. The connecting cameras shots are well done.
  • 3/5 3:41 pm - The music and tone of this was fun. NIce added sound effects. The audio was a bit distracting being shot in a bathroom. Was a mic used?- it felt like a fun inside joke, and left me wondering why the guy was in the bathroom, why he had an odd accent, etc. While I liked the shot of him looking over the boy's shoulder while the boy looked ahead- it was tough to figure out why it was shot like that. Was he a face in the mirror? Just a strange guy that hangs out in the shower? It would have worked I think if he hadn't turned back to the stranger at the end.
  • 3/2 9:03 am - Great music choice- added to the humor of the video. Better lighting needed- especially on the kid in the shower. Liked that you put CDC information at the end.
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