"The Digit" Movie Trailer - ID# 153

Wheaton North
Movie Trailer

Entry Description

A trailer for the short film "The Digit".

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/30 11:13 am - Positives: Cinematography!! Wow some really interesting shots in here. Great use of lighting. Excellent choice of music and sound effects. I enjoyed how the sound effect nicely wrapped up with the end of the trailer. Improvements: I am unclear of the story. I think you need a voiceover or dialogue to help lead the audience in a direction. Possibly even text at the beginning to explain exposition.
  • 3/6 4:25 pm - The pacing and cinematography was excellent for a trailer. Really good job varying the shots both in terms of composition and duration. Great music choice. It really served to build your rising action well and push the pace of the trailer forward. Work on your story. As much as this looks like a movie trailer, I have no concept of what I am watching, the story, or who to root for or against. This needed either some dialogue lines, text cards, voice over or a combination of the three to better tell the story.
Judge 1

Positives: Beautiful use of stylized lighting, utilizing fog and pools of light to develop a distinct aesthetic. Soundtracked worked very well to build tension and drive the pace of the edit. Excellent editing and use of camera work to envelope the character in darkness.

Improvements: While the pace of editing, stylized lighting, and use of soundtrack was highly effective – this trailer, which is really more of a teaser in nature (which can often be even more effective than a trailer), did not pay off with the reveal of a premise. The protagonist seems to be in search of something, while simultaneously trying to 'crack' some sort of code – a reveal that connects those two plot points in a moment of realization, or steers the viewer in the direction of what they can expect from the full film, would have made this trailer a bit more satisfying and intriguing.

Judge 2

Positives: - fast paced cuts work well and are in beat with the score - dark lighting was used very well to match the score and provide a dark tone to the premise of the film.

Improvements: - The shot of the man sitting at the desk smirking seems out of place - where is the story? What is this short film about? This seems more like a teaser trailer, but without a pre-existing property, the audience is not sure what the film is about and therefore may not go see it.

Judge 3



Judge 4

