eLo Promotion - ID# 164

Wheaton North
School Promotion

Entry Description

This is a school promotion for the eLo online courses that Wheaton North has to offer to students. It was created to inform students about the program, as many people weren't aware of the availability.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/7 4:46 pm - Very clear message/story; shot variety does a good job of maintaining interest in the piece; the tone sounds like it’s geared towards parents, so perhaps it could have been lightened up or less formal (writing and actual vocal tone) if you’re trying to promote this to students. Very clean/polished edit!
Judge 1

Positives: -The editing stuck with the pace of the information. Didn't try to show off. -But for the shot of the school at the end, the shots used did not distract from the message.

Improvements: -The picture racks too early before text comes in. This made me wonder what's going on rather than listening. -The voiceover needs more energy. Not faster, but the inflection needs to be 'too much' to come across as normal.

Judge 2

Positives: the animations and some of the camera techniques used were professional looking. the audio was very clean and easy to listen to. it was an informative video and was not too long

Improvements: take the camera off autofocus and auto exposure, it was distorting the shots

Judge 3

Positives: nice editing effects good use of character generator

Improvements: flow was a little slow VO and music could have been a little more upbeat

Judge 4

