Workshop 88 Commercial - ID# 163

Wheaton North

Entry Description

This is a commercial for a local "makerspace" in Glen Ellyn called Workshop 88. The workshop caters to all--veterans in the technology field as well as beginners. This commercial was created to inform all about what W88 is and what they offer.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/27 6:54 am - Overall a nice commercial. I would have like to have seen a wide shot of the space earlier in the commercial. Would have also been nice to see people working in that space (aside from the tight shots).
  • 3/6 7:55 pm - I really like your script and the clarity of the voice for this commercial. The problem is I am not sure where the workshop is? You do not give a specific address. As for your shots I think that they are pretty good. The problem is that at times you are actually too close to things that I cannot make out what they are. Also there is a zoom in this commercial, which is distracting for the viewer. Try to remove zooms in your videos. Do not allow you camera to make any sudden movements, try to edit those out it will smooth out your video. I like the commercial and the idea for the store I just wish I knew the exact location.
  • 3/5 6:30 am - After seeing your commercial I still don’t fully know what it is about. The pace you edit at is really good. Your narrator sounds great, and generally your visuals fit with what we was speaking to, but I don’t have something like this in my community so I don’t know what a “public maker space” is. Who would go, why would they go? I thought your camera shots were good – your visuals helped unfold the story a bit, nice balance with audio, I just didn’t get the whole picture of what it is about. Maybe the one other thing missing from your story were the people. I often tell my students that stories should be about people. I guess seeing more people in action and what they were doing might have filled in some of those missing blanks for me.
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