Tyler Shenuk | Cinematography Reel - ID# 184

Wheaton North

Entry Description

This is a compilation of various shots from my best work from the past year.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/14 2:23 pm - Positives: Smooth camera movement in the first shot is very impressive. Lighting with body builder shot is effective. Improvements: This real is quite short--I would have loved to have seen more shots to determine your overall ability as a cinematographer. Shots in the second half could benefit from better lighting.
  • 3/6 10:20 am - quite flat in terms of light but good compositions, not too much variety
  • 3/3 3:07 pm - The use of the slider helps add drama to several of your shots. And you use it well. The shots that employ a slider are well composed throughout the span of travel. Furthermore, the parallax gained from the movement helps enliven the environment by giving it dimension. The lake shot at :43 is the weak link in the reel. There isn’t a defined focal element in the shot. The leading lines might lead to the house but it’s at an insignificant part of the frame. The light pole is the in the right third, but it’s just a pole. The marsh land is kinda interesting, but there is so much else taking away from it. I like the of the lighting in the muscle shots. The top light helps to cast shadows along his musculature. A larger diffusion source closer to the subject would illuminate more muscles from the middle to lower back to provide a more comprehensive display of musculature. Perhaps even a rim light from the front and side of the subject would help line him out from the darkness.
  • 2/28 5:02 pm - Nice use of light on a few of the shots, but would like to see more. The guy flexing showed that you could use artificial lighting, so it would have been great to see more range of shots as your exteriors were inconsistently lit, some overexposed, some underexposed. The lack of depth, when measured against the competition is significant.
Judge 1

Positives: Some nice movement. Good composition overall.

Improvements: Too short! More content! More variety!

Judge 2

Positives: music was nice and composition and camera movement was great. Lighting with muscle man was very good

Improvements: The video was good but the creativity in different shots needs to be expanded. Some color work is suggested as well.

Judge 3



Judge 4

