International Day Of Disability - ID# 190

Wheaton North
Public Service Announcement

Entry Description

This video was done to promote awareness for the day of disability. I wanted to make a more dramatic feeling but really keeping emphasis on the facial expressions. This is why I kept the background white to allow the viewer to focus in on the facial expressions of the actors and the words that are coming out of their mouths. I also had some words repeated to draw emphasis towards statistics or specific phrases I felt where important pieces to the overall message.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/27 9:11 pm - Conceptually strong but technically weak at times. Appeared a couple of shots were not white balanced. The presentation was strong and effective but if it was technically more proficient it would have made your message much stronger.
  • 3/4 2:05 pm - Different concept than most. Lighting/iris was not consistent. Audio levels were good, but can hear the edits due to background hiss. Can also hear cuts in music.
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