The Bulldog Bark Feb 12th - ID# 204

Wauconda Community High School
News Program

Entry Description

Our bi-Monthly Student Produced News Program. The Bulldog Bark.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/6 7:54 pm - Nice job by the first host- very personable and good energy. Lighting could improve in the theater. Girl reporter at the white house not looking at the camera- keeps looking away, assuming to get her lines. Weak chroma key on her as well. Dance reporter looks away a coupe times too. No microphone on sports?! Audio is much different than the others- always use a mic! Graphics were decent in all reports, and the pace of the show was quick and to the point. Nice opening and closing to the show. Look to add some news packages and some human interest stories if time permits. Music is an added bonus, but watch volume levels- keep it low in the background when a reporter is talking. Good energy!
  • 3/3 1:32 pm - Solid anchor. Good energy, voice, gestures and delivery. Whenever possible, wear professional dress. I think the background music is too loud. Video of these news events would be so much more powerful and interesting. World politics, whenever you use other's footage, be sure to cite where the footage came from (CNN, FOX News, MSNBC?). Too quick of cut going to Spring Fling. Why Seinfeld music? Music always seems to get really loud during transitions. Sports...bring a little more energy as anchor. Especially if you're using still photos to represent these stories, use your voice to help deliver this information. You pack a lot of info into a short amount of time and there is some good energy throughout.
  • 2/25 12:12 pm - Overall, this was a great recap of the events that had happened at your school. Nice job bringing in the news from the school, the nation, and then back to the school (dance) and wrapping up with sports. The primary host has a great on-camera presence and appears to be very relaxed in front of the camera. The others did a great job too, but didn't appear to be as comfortable (but it wasn't awkward). 3 of the 4 hosts had mics, but the sports guy did not - I would make sure he had a mic as well. Speaking of audio, there were many times were the music was too loud and made it a bit tough to hear what the reporter was saying. Remember - you want your music to support your story/show, not distract from the important information that is being presented. Nice job using still images as b-roll for your segments. Again, nice job - it was short, but still filled with a lot of good information.
Judge 1

Positives: Nice pacing-- it was fast and kept moving The pieces were quick and I felt like you had a good flow

Improvements: Just a small note: On first reference you should never call him "trump" You need to add President ahead of it.

Judge 2

Positives: Good open montage. Comfortable reporters and anchors.

Improvements: Still shots are well done, but this is an award for a video medium. Fonts?

Judge 3



Judge 4

