Underage Drinking - ID# 212

Glenbrook North
Public Service Announcement

Entry Description

This is a public service announce that is made to convey the message "don't underage drink". It starts off building the relationship between a close pair of brothers, one older and one younger. As you get further into the video, the younger brother decides to confide in his older brother, asking him what he thinks of partying. The older brother tells him he doesn't think it is a good idea, as we see flashbacks to a party that the older brother had. The video ends with a sense of hypocrisy, the older brother telling his younger brother that he shouldn't throw away his future, while the older brother is doing that exact thing.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/27 1:43 pm - It is hard to tell that they are brothers until the very end. The background music seems to cut out completely when the brothers are talking to each other. The camera angles and editing were consistent throughout the video.
  • 3/5 3:33 pm - I was confused about who they were. They looked the same age- I know it's tough to do when shooting for a high school class, but some dialogue to set it up so we know one is older and one is younger would have helped set it up. We were left truing to figure it out on our own. The audio levels were a bit off- the dialogue was much quieter than the music.
  • 3/2 11:31 am - I thought it was kind of confusing. After reading the entry description, the video made more sense to me. However, your audience won't have the audience description for that clarification. I think letting the audience know they are brothers at the very beginning would be more beneficial.
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