GBN vs. Deerfield Football - ID# 228

Glenbrook North
Live Event Coverage Sports

Entry Description

This is a 5 camera shoot from our varsity football game against Deerfield High School. Our crew has 16 people and this year we added instant replay and a mobile production vehicle. The announcers come out of our sportscasting class.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/27 9:33 pm - Terrific job all around. Announcers were informative and entertaining describing this important part of the game but color guy was hard to hear. Shots were where they needed to be, maybe a little tighter showing the offensive possession. Natural sound gave a strong feel to the atmosphere. Instant replay was effective and not done for no reason. Color guy's mic is a bit low in one spot but otherwise well done!
  • 3/7 10:52 am - Good entry description - helps me to understand what you have available to you for your production (5 cameras, instant replay, etc). The color commentator was very hard to hear - almost sounded as if he was about 10 feet away from the play-by-play announcer without a microphone. When shooting football, the wide shot should always show every player on the offensive side at the start of a play - all 11 players. Don’t have to show the entire defense, but need to see the entire offense. For all of the plays in this clip, you never showed all 11 players at the start of a play. Don’t be so quick to change the camera shots - use the wide shot to establish the play, then the sideline cameras should be used to highlight players, show us coaches reactions, measurements by the officials, etc. Watch a college football game or an NFL game - note the framing of the camera shots, from the wide shot of the field, to what kind of tight shots they show the viewer. Remember that the director is telling the story of the game thru the shots that he/she chooses - fast changing shots don’t always help to tell that story.
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