This video was made for the Neuqua Valley football team, right before the first round of the playoffs. This is also meant to highlight some of the best moments from each game and display all the hard work from everybody on the team.
Positives: -Color and depth are solid. -Fading up of music as the VO intensifies is very good. Not so overt that one senses louder music, but natural enough that one senses a rising intensity. -The subtle cuts to a few frames later in the same shot to the bass in the music is done well. A fine way to conserve footage while keeping the cut quick. -Tempo and tone are appropriate and well-maintened in the edit.
Improvements: -Images don't represent the copy concerning "half-a-second too slow or too fast" and "don't quite catch it", "don't quite make it". -Intensity present in the shots should build commensurate with the intensity of the speech. -Some shots seem like place-holders, but that's the danger of a piece that requires a lot of action footage.
Positives: the heavy usage of slow motion worked well. voiceovers were impactful and worked well with the content. the colors were nice
Improvements: put the camera on a tripod or shoulder rig for the sideline shots. get a more variety of shots or shorten the video.
Positives: Very nice cinematic feel excellent shooting and editing great emotion to it
Improvements: Would have loved to hear highlights from actual games from local radio or tv showing actual excitement from the games Maybe use of nat sound from the games too.