The Story of Mr. Kellner - ID# 249

Neuqua Valley
Natural Audio News Package

Entry Description

Many teachers at Neuqua Valley retired this year. I took a special look at Mr. Kellner, who has been at Neuqua Valley since the very start. I looked into how much he was admired by the school and just how big of an influence he was to his students.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/15 2:58 pm - I thought the shaky shots were distracting. One graphic was cut off. All graphics were hard to read. Good interviews. Photos really nice addition. Good story.
  • 3/7 10:36 am - Nicely told story. I felt like I got a good sense of who Mr. Kellner is. The interviews were nicely framed and lit. They looked very professional. The b-roll in the classroom was shaky and a little distracting.
  • 3/1 3:24 pm - The video is very shaky, which becomes a distraction. The framing of your interviews is a little off. I wish there was more of him with the class, and the kids singing.. This is a very well laid out Nat sound pack. I think that you tell a great story, but I did not know that he was retiring until the end of the story. You need to find the "Heart of the Story", and I feel your story is about this great teacher, not that he is leaving. Find your focus and stick with
Judge 1

Positives: This topic was a good choice for a nats/pkg. It had a lot of potential for nats full and sots. You kept the story moving with sound from different people as well as the main subject of the story. The lighting on the interviews was great. Lighting is not an easy task.

Improvements: I didn't get a sense that the teacher was retiring until the end when he said he was going to miss this place. No where was it implied that he was leaving, so the old photos didn't make a lot of sense. I would work on the audio levels. I could barely hear the students singing. I would have also do some nats full of the students singing. That was definitely a needed element in a nats/pkg.

Judge 2

Positives: The lighting for the Eleanor's interview is good.

Improvements: The piece would be stronger if the information about the retirement was established earlier. The video and the bites are a little flat.

Judge 3

Positives: So many compelling interviews. They were put together in a way that kept building on what makes Mr. Kellner special. I especially liked the use of the older photos. The framing of the interviews in the auditorium was a great touch that added to the story.

Improvements: WHERE IS THE NAT SOUND OF THE MUSIC PErFORMANCES????? This is a piece about a choir director and we never hear the choir. I believe the "no music" rule in the competition means no outside sound. This piece cried out for more nat sound.

Judge 4

