GoPro. Be A Hero - ID# 256

New Trier

Entry Description

Use GoPro to record the mundane.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/27 6:56 am - I laughed the entire way through this commercial - it definitely wasn’t what I was expecting. Nice job turning this around and using humor.
  • 3/6 8:42 pm - I like this, but it could have been 30 seconds, and that is not a bad thing. You can remove a couple of the scenes and almost jump towards the end of it, and it would have been even funnier. I also think that you have to consider the product when picking the music. I think of GoPro and I think of fast paced action, and I think that you can incorporate that and make it even better as well. Good concept and well written.
  • 3/5 11:47 am - I thought this was a novel idea and like the story but once you hit your punchline in the first scene, the rest of the video was redundant. Not that you couldn’t continue through the various scenarios, but you didn’t need to set them up as much. Maybe you could have also taken the punch line further by putting it is some other, boring places. After a while I saw this as a commercial for the selfie stick almost more than for the go pro, putting the go pro in other places other than at the end of the selfie stick would have helped differentiate this. Creative idea, you got myself and the class to laugh, but the joke got old after awhile.
Judge 1

Positives: I love the use of comedy, and turning the use for a GoPro on it's head to something completely non-extreme. The idea needs a little more work to actually convey a benefit and make somebody want to buy a GoPro - but I think this could be solved with the copy. Conceptually the mundaneness is a fun thought. Nice intermingling of shots from both cameras - the non-GoPro footage has nice camera movement and the film looks great.

Improvements: CAMERA - it would be fun to have even more exaggerated close-up shots from the Go-Pro. So the mundane stuff actually looks sort of intriguing or cool. Maybe put the camera in the bottom of a cereal bowl looking up at the boy as he pours in milk - or in the sink when brushing teeth - so the wide camera angles are more extreme and comedic. Take advantage of the water proof feature, and slow motion capability to ramp up these visual effects. Your mundane life now looks cool and Instagram-worthy! You could add some variety to the look of this piece by using different accessories for the GoPro so it's not always being held on the Gorillapod - the head strap while looking at a bewildered Mom or Dad could be a funny scene. Nice job!

Judge 2

Positives: Very cute concept...i like the switching back and forth between the traditional camera shot and the GOPRO shot. After a while, I think you could've gone just with the GoPro footage. The bathroom shot a bit risque but your mosaic covered it well and made it work. Script was well-written. Voiceover also recorded well and executed well. Nice opening and closing animation.

Improvements: Could definitely be tightened up quite a bit...some of the shots were a bit too long and we got the picture long before you changed the shot. Music was a little flat for me--not a bad choice, but felt like it wasn't quite the right track. Felt like it needed to be a bit more playful, since the commercial was comedic in nature. Make sure all the VO has the same EQ so each line sounds the same...there was some variation in each line.

Judge 3



Judge 4

