GTV News Program--September 19th - ID# 253

News Program

Entry Description

GTV News takes a look at one special student, the new corner side pizza joint, and much much more.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/23 11:09 am - Solid tease and opening; set is pretty sparse, lacks depth; white balance is too “warm” on anchor / Pizza story: feels like a promo or commercial rather than news package / Don’t litter story is solid / Rough transitions btw segments / Equestrian story solid- why music? Why not just nat sound? / Would be nice to have some VO or copy for highlights- facile montage
  • 2/28 2:28 pm - Looks like this was a live or live-to-tape broadcast, well done! It takes confidence to put yourself out there in front of the whole school when anything can happen live. I thought the anchors came across very professionally but also let their personalities out as well. Great job with ad-lib conversation between stories and it didn't seem awkward or forced, good on-screen chemistry. The PSA inserted into the broadcast was a nice break from the news. I also liked the broadcast intro. It showed a lot of school activities but also showed some behind-the-scenes shots of your production area. Audio was fine throughout and segments were solid ENG-style stories. Overall, I really liked the way your broadcast is formatted and the pace by which it moved along. Nicely done!
Judge 1

Positives: I liked the interviews in DoughMacracy piece. Good use of shots to cover what's being said. I liked the matching shirts - but if you're going to wear a uniform, make sure they're ironed and sitting correctly. I really enjoyed the animated white board piece - good VO.

Improvements: The opening montage was ok - there are some super strong ones that are very dynamic with lots of quick edits, upbeat music and including a lot of different students. The reporting is a lot of lists - naming clubs, meeting times, etc. Try to find ways to switch it up. Coming out of the DoughMacracy piece, the music dropped out really quickly. If you have issues with reading the prompter, do another take. A lot of the shots in the horse piece were really tight - I would have liked to have seen more variety.

Judge 2

Positives: Excellent opening montage. Clear energy establishment. Anchor ad-lib is good. Dangerous at this level, but worked.

Improvements: Talent energy must match the visuals. Back to back reads creates awkward pauses. Alternate more often. I've seen pizza on camera, show it to me in a way that I haven't seen it before. A good lesson in making a story that's been done before, more original than ever.

Judge 3



Judge 4

